Discover Organic Excellence

We are your Source for Premium Seeds and Nutritional Goods

We supply oil seeds like Sesame seeds, Soybean seeds; Edible nuts like Cashew nuts, Bitter kola, Shea butter. We also supply other food grains like Rice, Moringa seed etc; fresh vegetables like ginger and garlic. We have the capacity to supply in large quantity, and maintain continuous supply. We also accept custom order.

Kings Empire
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Organic Farming Approach

We practice strictly organic farming. We DO NOT use artificial or genetic farming methods. Strictly organic farming system.

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Abundant Seed Supply

Explore a diverse range of grains and seeds, from sesame to Moringa, grown in naturally fertile fields, ready to meet your bulk supply needs.

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 Delivery Commitment

Count on us for seamless delivery in massive quantities, backed by a steadfast commitment to maintaining a continuous supply contract.

We supply Quality Grains & Seeds

Kings Empire and Web Limited is a dynamic and innovative agricultural company dedicated to delivering top-tier products worldwide. Founded with a vision to transform the agricultural sector, we excel in sourcing, processing, and exporting a wide array of premium-grade agricultural commodities.

We Export

Soy Beans Seed

Soy Beans Seed

Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds

Moringa Seeds

Moringa Seeds

Cashew Seeds

Cashew Seeds

Shea Butter

Shea Butter

Bitter Kola

Bitter Kola

Onion & Garlic

Onion & Garlic

Rosemary Leaves

Rosemary Leaves

Our Market Network

We proudly export 90% of our agricultural products to international markets, contributing to global food security.

Our extensive market network spans across Africa, Asia, Europe, USA, and various countries establishing a global footprint and ensuring our products reach discerning consumers worldwide.

Kings Empire- Map
